142W150 Nissan Micra 1.2 CVT 4DR Auto, 2014

Body 4 Door Mpv
CC 1198
Fuel Petrol
Colour Red


We have 31 important records for this Nissan.

We have 31 records for this Nissan.

Nissan Micra 1.2 CVT 4DR Auto, 2014

Body: 4 Door Mpv CC: 1198 Fuel: Petrol Colour: Red

Nissan Micra 1.2 CVT 4DR Auto, 2014

Body: 4 Door Mpv Engine CC: 1198 Fuel: Petrol Colour: Red

We have 31 important records for this Nissan.

We have 31 records for this Nissan.