The rise and rise of the self-driving, or autonomous car seems to be almost inevitable. Ever since the United States’ Defence Advanced Research...
As the new year ticks around, so another tranche of favourite old cars become, officially in the eyes of the taxman, classics (or ‘vintage’ to g...
While, at the end of 2023, it can feel as if motoring is somewhat embattled — caught between rising prices and interest rates on the one hand, a...
Back in the late sixties and early seventies, the European — and especially Irish — car markets were hit by an utter earthquake. Having built up...
Germany invented the car, let’s not forget. While any successful invention has an infinite number of parents, it was Karl Benz who created the f...
There’s no point in saying, in a Sean Bean impression, that ‘winter is coming’ because it’s already here. Have you looked outside the window lat...
While the Germans get the credit for inventing the modern motor car, the Brits got into the game pretty quickly too — one Henry Sturmey was buil...
With peak car-buying season rapidly approaching, along with the new 241-plate in January, it seems like a good time to consider a commonly-asked...
French cars often get a good kicking in some circles. Too unreliable, cheaply-made, too quirky, weird steering wheels… As is so often the case,...
With temperatures soaring across Europe this summer, there’s perhaps something of an irony in that nature can hit back at the car for all those...
It’s one of those motoring chores that many of us ignore, and many more of us simply don’t understand. So, what is tyre balancing and why do we...
Since they were introduced in 2002, the penalty points system for motoring offences have been considered a major weapon in the war against dange...